
Saturday, July 21, 2012

Tips on Getting and Keeping Clear Skin

Everyone gets the occasional zit, but how can we keep our skin blemish free longer? Here are some easy tips to achieve a clear complexion.

  • Drink lots of water. Water is essential for a healthy body and it's great for your skin. It'll leave it glowing and zit-free.
  • Cut soda and greasy foods out of your diet. Poor eating habits accomplish nothing, and are a big part of breakouts. Replace soda and fatty foods with water and foods high in vitamins A, C, and E (ex: salmon, blueberries, carrots, etc.)
  • Keep a skincare routine. Find skincare products that work for you and establish a routine. Keeping a routine puts your skin on a healthy schedule. Remember to limit the items you use.
  • Wash your hands frequently. All the grease and oils from your food will linger on your fingers till you wash them off.
  • Which brings me to...Don't touch your face. This is a BIG factor in zits.
  • Love and protect your skin. Use a moisturizer with SPF or apply sunscreen each day, quit smoking, and exercise.

Sources: WebMDNatural NewsWebMD.